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Benjamin E. Leese


Microbiologist by trade.
Ornithologist by passion.


I run a microbiology lab in a paper mill to test specialized filtration media for water purifcation.  When I am not doing that, I am probably in my garden, at a baseball game, or trying to track down historical records of extinct birds.

Research Interests

I have written a series of manuscripts outlining historical records of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker north of its assumed southern range.  I have uncovered records in Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio.  The species appears on the list for Indiana because of my research.​


I just finished an updated list of specimens of the Imperial Woodpecker, alongside a variety of wonderful colleagues. And I am also preparing a manuscript outlining more than 100 new records of the Carolina Parakeet that I have uncovered.   



Additional Nineteenth Century Records for Ivory-billed Woodpecker 

          (Campephilus principalis) in South Carolina. Chat 88.22-23.

Response to K. Ohkawara et al.: Anting behavior in birds: the behavioral 

          patterns and the interactions with ants in the subgenus Dendrolasius of                  the genus Lasius. Journal of Ornithology 165: 287–288.

The Possible Location of Marlow’s Landing and its Carolina Parakeet 

          (Conuropsis Carolinensis) Specimens, Florida Field Naturalist 51(4):111-118.

“Additions and updates to the list of specimens of the Imperial Woodpecker

          Campephilus imperialis (Gould, 1832), including genetic analysis of a

          putative clutch of eggs,” Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 142 (4),

          491-508, With

          Lars Erik Johannessen, Audun Schrøder-Nielsen, JiÅ™í Mlíkovský, Don

          Gorney, Leon Schreffler & Jane Schreffler

“Clarification of the Location of John Eatton Le Conte’s Observation of 

          Carolina Parakeets (Conuropsis carolinensis) in Georgia,”  Oriole 85:17-20.

“Historical Status of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker in Virginia,”

          Raven 91:4-9, 2020. With Mark A. Michaels.

“Specimens and Eggs of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Camephilus imperialis) 

          Purportedly from the Carolinas,” Chat 83:108-109, 2019.

“Historical Status of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker Campephilus principalis 

          In Ohio,” Ohio Cardinal 29(4):181-188, 2006. 

“Scarlet Scalps and Ivory Bills: Native American Uses of the Ivory-billed 

          Woodpecker,” Passenger Pigeon 68(3):213-225, 2006.



Ahlstrom-Munksjo Filtration

Quality Microbiology Laboratory

122 West Butler Street

Mount Holly Springs PA 17019 USA

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